Five Steps to a Happier You!

Ahhhh…January 1. It’s like a cold drink of water when you're parched, a hot cup of tea when your chilly, and a warm hug from a friend you haven’t seen in a while. It feels good; it feels like a fresh start; it feels…ahhhhh! Welcome to January!
January is also the time of year when most of us make well-intended promises we statistically break before the month is out. We get busy. Life takes over. We convince ourselves our goals are no longer important. We make more room for “busy” and less room for “happy”.
Not this year! 2019 is going be your year. The entire world is ready and waiting for you to shine. IT'S TIME TO SHINE BABY!!!
What if…you could stick to your goals without feeling overwhelmed?
What if…you kept your promise to yourself to do that thing you’ve always wanted to do?
What if…you could live the ridiculously happier life you know you so want and deserve?
YOU CAN! It’s as simple as these five steps. For realzzz. GO!
Step 1: Happiness starts with a simple choice. Find a pen and paper and write this down: “I choose happy”. Sign it. Treat it like a contract with yourself.
Step 2: Write down the things in your life that feel most important right now. It could be investing in your career, a relationship, connecting with friends, getting back on a budget, or finally taking the leap towards your dreams…get it down on paper.
Step 3: Pick one. Not two. Not five. Just one. Too often, we overcommit and end up forgetting what is truly important. Focusing on one thing will yield happier results.
Step 4: Write down one thing you can do this week to advance the most important thing in your life right now. Just one action. Write it down.
Step 5: Make it happen this week. No excuses. No exceptions. Make it happen. (P.S. these steps are a sneak-preview to my FishBowl Goal framework. For a limited time only, when you subscribe today, you’ll get a free e-copy of my book.)
This is your year. This is your time. Stop waiting and start creating your ridiculously happier live today! Let’s get your happy on!
Reminder: you are awesome!

About the author. Brenda is a Certified Professional Coach and Founder of My Happiness Coach. She inspires people to live the outrageously happier lives they deserve. You can subscribe to her blog or inquire about one on one coaching or customized happiness keynotes and workshops at